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Version: 2.301.0


In the Ownership section of the guest account policy, you can fine-tune the settings for managing ownerless guests and ensuring a minimum number of owners.

Ownerless Guest Policy

This policy kicks in when the EasyLife 365 Collaboration Engine detects a guest account without an owner. You have the option to enable Auto Heal for automatic remediation of such accounts. Additionally, you can set up escalation measures, such as email notifications or webhook calls, in case Auto Heal fails to find an owner.

Auto Heal employs two methods to locate an owner for a guest account lacking one:

  1. Audit Log: Enabling this option prompts the EasyLife 365 Collaboration Engine to search the Entra ID audit logs for a potential owner.
  2. Group Membership: Enabling this option allows the engine to check group memberships and assign one of the group owners as the owner of the guest account.

Ownership Policy Details

Minimum Owners Policy

This policy ensures that each guest account has at least two owners. If a guest account with fewer than two owners is detected, the existing owner receives a notification to add another owner. You can specify the number of reminders to be sent and define actions if the owners fail to respond within the specified timeframe.

You can also determine the course of action if owners provide no feedback, whether to disable the account or take no action at all (none).