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Version: 2.301.0

Manage SharePoint Site Templates and Policies

EasyLife 365 Collaboration API enables the management of EasyLife managed SharePoint sites templates and policies. The changes are applied at the EasyLife 365 Security Group associated to the managed SharePoint Online site.


Permission TypePermissions (Scope)
Delegated (work or school account)
ApplicationNot supported.

HTTP Request

Content-Type: application/json

HTTP Request Headers

AuthorizationBearer token. (Required)

Request Body

templateIdStringID of the Guest Template (Optional)
policyIdStringID of the Guest Policy (Optional)

Consider the following basic rules

  • all values are optional. If you do not specify and value, no change will be applied
  • if you want to assign a template and the policy, you need to specify both values explicitly
  • if you want to clear a value (e.g. removing a policy), then pass as a value "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"


  • All fields are optional. If a value is not specified, no changes will be made.
  • To assign both a template and policy, you must explicitly specify both values.
  • To clear a field (e.g., removing a policy), use "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" as the value.


A successful request returns the updated managed SharePoint site information.

Example 1: Assign a template and a policy to the managed SharePoint site

This example assigns a template and policy to the managed SharePoint site with ID 57523d68-2913-4fc0-8f91-af100f37562f.

Content-Type: application/json
"templateId": "3b20926e-8ff5-4d8a-b0c6-ddd765df6821",
"policyId": "ad869549-d693-4d20-8879-402d5ed3d991"

Example 2: Clear the policy for a managed SharePoint site

This example clears the policy for the managed SharePoint site with ID 57523d68-2913-4fc0-8f91-af100f37562f.

Content-Type: application/json
"policyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"