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Version: 2.301.0


The EasyLife 365 PowerShell module is based on the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. The EasyLife 365 module currently contains five cmdlets, and they can be used to connect to and query information from the Microsoft Graph API.

Install the Module

The EasyLife 365 PowerShell module is available on the PowerShell gallery and can be installed with the following command. We recommend using PowerShell 7:

Install-Module EasyLife365.Collaboration

Connect to Microsoft Graph

The EasyLife 365 PowerShell module can use an existing connection to Microsoft Graph. If Connect-MgGraph was called in the current PowerShell session and the required scopes are present, the cmdlets will work with the current Graph connection.

If Connect-MgGraph was not called in the current PowerShell session, Connect-EasyLife365 can be used to connect to Microsoft Graph with the application id 14b899c6-0b3a-4f59-8807-e9df5fb0fb1e and the scopes: User.ReadWrite.All, Group.ReadWrite.All.


Please note that any existing graph context will be replaced by calling Connect-EasyLife365."

Connect to Microsoft Graph with Managed Identity

The function Connect-EasyLife365 has a parameter -Identity. This parameter can be used to connect to Microsoft Graph using a managed identity in an Azure Automation runbook or in an Azure Function app.

Before connecting to EasyLife365 or the Microsoft Graph API using a managed identity the required permissions must be granted to the managed identity's service principal. The function Grant-EasyAppPermissions can be used to grant the required permissions.

The following example installs the required modules and grants permissions to the service principal with the object id da9ea79a-55d4-463f-b1a2-4b5ab1060909 using the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK.

    Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication,Microsoft.Graph.Applications
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication,Microsoft.Graph.Applications
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All, Application.Read.All
Grant-EasyAppPermissions -ServicePrincipalId da9ea79a-55d4-463f-b1a2-4b5ab1060909

Cmdlet help

You can find detailed help help files for each cmdlet below:


The EasyLife 365 PowerShell module sends information about usage to a log analytics instance controlled by EasyLife 365. You can opt-out by setting the following variable to $true.

Set-Variable EasyLife365DisableTelemetry -Value $true