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Version: 2.301.0


This article serves as your guide through the EasyLife 365 learning journey. The objective of this learning path is to deepen your understanding of working with the EasyLife 365 Admin while showcasing how EasyLife templates and policies function. Throughout this path, you'll traverse all the stages and actions of EasyLife's policies. This journey spans four days to complete a full cycle, as the EasyLife engine performs scans once per day. The time commitment for each day is less than one hour.


Before diving into this exercise, ensure you have:

  • Completed the Onboarding.
  • A Notifications Email Address to receive policy notifications.
  • Logged into the EasyLife 365 Admin ( to create policies and templates.
  • Logged into the EasyLife 365 Collaboration App to utilize policies and templates for creating resources.
  • Observed, over several days, the EasyLife 365 Collaboration Engine applying policies to created Teams.

Creating Policies and Templates


This section of the exercise takes place within the EasyLife 365 Admin. Sign in to begin.

Creating a Policy

Begin by crafting a new policy to support our learning scenarios:


  • Navigate to Policies within the EasyLife 365 Admin.
  • Click Create a policy.
  • Set the Title to Learning Policy.
  • Provide a description.
  • Activate the policy by checking the Active box.
  • Leave the Default box unchecked.

Create Learning Policy


  • Under Owners in the left-side navigation, input an email address to receive alerts if a team lacks owners.
  • Enable the minimum owners policy and set the trigger to 2. Configure reminders.
  • Specify an email address for action alerts if owners don't respond to notification emails.

Learning Team Owners Policy

Learning Team Owners Policy


  • Under Confirmation, enable the policy and set the trigger to 2 days. Configure reminders and actions.

Learning Team Confirmation Policy

Learning Team Confirmation Policy

Access Review

  • Under Access Review, enable the policy and set the trigger to 1 day. Configure reminders.

Learning Team Access Review Policy

Learning Team Access Review Policy


  • Under Archival, enable the policy and set the trigger to 1 day. Configure reminders and actions.

Learning Team Archival Policy

Learning Team Archival Policy


For this Learning Guide, we won't explore the template policy. Refer to the template policy learning guide for details.

Creating a Template


This section of the exercise takes place within the EasyLife 365 Admin. Sign in to begin.

After crafting the policy, proceed to create a new template for our learning teams:

  • Navigate to Templates > Teams within the EasyLife 365 Admin.
  • Click Create a template.


  • Set the Title to Learning Team.
  • Customize the description and color.
  • Activate the template.

Learning Teams Template Card


  • Under Policies, select the Learning Policy from the dropdown.
  • Save the changes to create the template.

Learning Teams Template Policies

Executing the Learning Guide


This section of the exercise takes place within the EasyLife 365 Collaboration App. Sign in to begin.

Now, let's proceed with the following steps of the learning path.

Day One

Create two Teams: one to test the Learning Policy and another to test the Archival Policy.

  • In the EasyLife 365 Collaboration App, create a new Team using the Learning Team Template.
  • Name it My Learning Team and ensure there are at least two owners.
  • Create another Team for testing the Archival Policy, following similar steps.

Day Two

Check the Teams activity feed for notifications from EasyLife:

  • Address any non-compliance flagged by the Owner count policy.
  • For the Archival policy, take no action.

Day Three

Check for notifications requiring attention:

  • Address any non-compliance flagged by the Confirmation policy.
  • For the Archival policy, take no action.

Day Four

Observe the outcome:

  • The EasyLife 365 Collaboration Engine removes both teams.
  • Confirm their absence in the Collaboration area and Teams.


Congratulations on completing the EasyLife 365 learning path! Return to the EasyLife 365 Admin and delete the Learning Template and Learning Policy.